As I previously mentioned, I recently got an Arduino development kit for Christmas and have been experimenting with it. One of the things on my to do list involves using a joystick. Since the kit only came with a momentary contact switch and a potentiometer, I went online to try to find something that would fit my needs. The cheap one I initially wanted to get was out of stock, so I searched around a bit.
I ran across a site talking about a Wii Nunchuck as an input device. Hmm. That sounded interesting. Not being a gamer, I didn't quite know what a nunchuck was. Although many times I would have liked to take a traditional one to the computer, I didn't quite think that was what was associated with the Wii gaming system. A bit of research told me it's an extension controller that plugs into the standard Wii controller giving you an extra two buttons, a joystick and 3-axis accelerometer. The idea is you can use the regular controller in one hand and use the extension controller in your other hand. The examples say this lets you run and jump with one hand while the other swings a sword. Yeah. Right. Like that's going to happen. I have enough problem trying to use one controller on the rare occasion that I try a game out. There's no way I'm coordinated enough to use two.
Be that as it may, I'm not interested in gaming applications; I'm interested in Arduino control. I found some controllers for sale on Amazonfor less than $20. A whole lot more than the $5 for the joystick I first looked at, but this one has extra sensors and was packaged in a neat little hand-held device. And even though it's an order of magnitude more expensive, at less than the cost of a fast food dinner with my wife, it's not going to break the bank. (But being as frugal as I am, I still opted for the black one at $1.70 less than the white one.)
The biggest drawback to this hack was the original site instructed you to cut off the connector to use it with the Arduino. That didn't sound too appealing. A bit more surfing and I found someone who made an adapter. Yeah. That'll work. The adapter is sold through several places online, I got it from SparkFun since they had several other things I was interested in (and I'll probably blog about in the future). So, I placed the two orders.
Well, they arrived yesterday and I opened them tonight. The adapter was just a PC board with no instructions. I went to the adaptor creator's web site and found some pictures and software. First, it was obvious that it needed some header pins to plug it into the Uno board. Fortunately, the development kit came with a strip of break-off headers. I broke four pins off and soldered them onto the board based on the pictures on the web. Next I downloaded the software in a zip file.
As instructed on the site, I plugged the adapter into the Arduino's analog pins 2, 3, 4 and 5. The zip file has a demo sketch that I uploaded onto the board. It ran, but when I opened the Serial Monitor all I got was garbage. Hmm. I looked at the code for the sketch and it initialized the Serial port to 19200 but the Serial Monitor window defaults to 9600. After a simple change of the baud rate, everything worked.
The demo sketch displayed the data from the switches and the x- and y-axis accelerometers. Since the joystick info was what really interested me, I started reading the library code to figure out how to get it. I quickly found a routine in the library to display all the sensor information. I removed the display code in the demo and replaced it with the single line call to the library and uploaded the new code. Viola: all the information.
In a quick five minute review of the library code, there are some things that on the surface don't look like the most effective way of handling the data. When I dive into this to really start looking at it, I'll do a code review and write up some notes if my initial impressions prove correct. I'll probably also write up some notes if I'm wrong about it since that would probably be interesting too.
While looking up the web site addresses for this article, I ran across a competitor's adapter. This looks like a better design and if I were to do it again, I'd probably get this one rather than the one I got, even though it's a buck more expensive. Huh. There goes my savings from getting the black nunchuck instead of the white one.
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011
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