Using reflection, I wanted to cycle through each property of the Colors class and output its name and RGB value. To this end, I typed this into Visual Studio:
foreach (var prop in typeof(Colors).GetProperties())
var propColor = (Color)prop.GetValue();
Then I hit a snag: GetValue wanted an instance of the class. However, Colors is static and I could not create an instance of it. In looking through the interface, I found GetConstantValue method. That sounded promising. I tried it. It compiled but threw an exception at run-time indicating it wasn't going to work.
I read the PropertyInfo documentation and didn't see anything more promising than GetValue. I searched the web some more but the only thing I could find talked about calling static methods on normal classes with instances of them created. I went back to the documentation where the description for the first parameter still said "The object whose property value will be returned." Reading on, the second parameter was the index value and said, "This value should be null for non-indexed properties."
Hmm... What happens if the first parameter is null?
Having nothing to lose, I tried it with both parameters passed as null. It compiled. A breakpoint set after the assignment and then inspection of propColor indicated it worked as expected. Cool!
I put a WrapPanel in the XAML file and named it ColorItems. Then I fleshed out my for loop:
foreach (var prop in typeof(Colors).GetProperties())
var propColor = (Color)prop.GetValue(null, null);
var desc = string.Format("{0} ({1})", prop.Name, propColor);
ColorItems.Children.Add(new Grid
Width = 20,
Height = 20,
Margin = new Thickness(2),
ToolTip = desc,
Background = new SolidColorBrush(propColor)
This gave me a nice little window with squares of color. Each square showed a tool tip with the name and color. Moreover, I had the table shown below in the Output window of the IDE.
Download the zipped project with compiled application.
Color | Value | Sample |
AliceBlue | #F0F8FF | |
AntiqueWhite | #FAEBD7 | |
Aqua | #00FFFF | |
Aquamarine | #7FFFD4 | |
Azure | #F0FFFF | |
Beige | #F5F5DC | |
Bisque | #FFE4C4 | |
Black | #000000 | |
BlanchedAlmond | #FFEBCD | |
Blue | #0000FF | |
BlueViolet | #8A2BE2 | |
Brown | #A52A2A | |
BurlyWood | #DEB887 | |
CadetBlue | #5F9EA0 | |
Chartreuse | #7FFF00 | |
Chocolate | #D2691E | |
Coral | #FF7F50 | |
CornflowerBlue | #6495ED | |
Cornsilk | #FFF8DC | |
Crimson | #DC143C | |
Cyan | #00FFFF | |
DarkBlue | #00008B | |
DarkCyan | #008B8B | |
DarkGoldenrod | #B8860B | |
DarkGray | #A9A9A9 | |
DarkGreen | #006400 | |
DarkKhaki | #BDB76B | |
DarkMagenta | #8B008B | |
DarkOliveGreen | #556B2F | |
DarkOrange | #FF8C00 | |
DarkOrchid | #9932CC | |
DarkRed | #8B0000 | |
DarkSalmon | #E9967A | |
DarkSeaGreen | #8FBC8F | |
DarkSlateBlue | #483D8B | |
DarkSlateGray | #2F4F4F | |
DarkTurquoise | #00CED1 | |
DarkViolet | #9400D3 | |
DeepPink | #FF1493 | |
DeepSkyBlue | #00BFFF | |
DimGray | #696969 | |
DodgerBlue | #1E90FF | |
Firebrick | #B22222 | |
FloralWhite | #FFFAF0 | |
ForestGreen | #228B22 | |
Fuchsia | #FF00FF | |
Gainsboro | #DCDCDC | |
GhostWhite | #F8F8FF | |
Gold | #FFD700 | |
Goldenrod | #DAA520 | |
Gray | #808080 | |
Green | #008000 | |
GreenYellow | #ADFF2F | |
Honeydew | #F0FFF0 | |
HotPink | #FF69B4 | |
IndianRed | #CD5C5C | |
Indigo | #4B0082 | |
Ivory | #FFFFF0 | |
Khaki | #F0E68C | |
Lavender | #E6E6FA | |
LavenderBlush | #FFF0F5 | |
LawnGreen | #7CFC00 | |
LemonChiffon | #FFFACD | |
LightBlue | #ADD8E6 | |
LightCoral | #F08080 | |
LightCyan | #E0FFFF | |
LightGoldenrodYellow | #FAFAD2 | |
LightGray | #D3D3D3 | |
LightGreen | #90EE90 | |
LightPink | #FFB6C1 | |
LightSalmon | #FFA07A | |
LightSeaGreen | #20B2AA | |
LightSkyBlue | #87CEFA | |
LightSlateGray | #778899 | |
LightSteelBlue | #B0C4DE | |
LightYellow | #FFFFE0 | |
Lime | #00FF00 | |
LimeGreen | #32CD32 | |
Linen | #FAF0E6 | |
Magenta | #FF00FF | |
Maroon | #800000 | |
MediumAquamarine | #66CDAA | |
MediumBlue | #0000CD | |
MediumOrchid | #BA55D3 | |
MediumPurple | #9370DB | |
MediumSeaGreen | #3CB371 | |
MediumSlateBlue | #7B68EE | |
MediumSpringGreen | #00FA9A | |
MediumTurquoise | #48D1CC | |
MediumVioletRed | #C71585 | |
MidnightBlue | #191970 | |
MintCream | #F5FFFA | |
MistyRose | #FFE4E1 | |
Moccasin | #FFE4B5 | |
NavajoWhite | #FFDEAD | |
Navy | #000080 | |
OldLace | #FDF5E6 | |
Olive | #808000 | |
OliveDrab | #6B8E23 | |
Orange | #FFA500 | |
OrangeRed | #FF4500 | |
Orchid | #DA70D6 | |
PaleGoldenrod | #EEE8AA | |
PaleGreen | #98FB98 | |
PaleTurquoise | #AFEEEE | |
PaleVioletRed | #DB7093 | |
PapayaWhip | #FFEFD5 | |
PeachPuff | #FFDAB9 | |
Peru | #CD853F | |
Pink | #FFC0CB | |
Plum | #DDA0DD | |
PowderBlue | #B0E0E6 | |
Purple | #800080 | |
Red | #FF0000 | |
RosyBrown | #BC8F8F | |
RoyalBlue | #4169E1 | |
SaddleBrown | #8B4513 | |
Salmon | #FA8072 | |
SandyBrown | #F4A460 | |
SeaGreen | #2E8B57 | |
SeaShell | #FFF5EE | |
Sienna | #A0522D | |
Silver | #C0C0C0 | |
SkyBlue | #87CEEB | |
SlateBlue | #6A5ACD | |
SlateGray | #708090 | |
Snow | #FFFAFA | |
SpringGreen | #00FF7F | |
SteelBlue | #4682B4 | |
Tan | #D2B48C | |
Teal | #008080 | |
Thistle | #D8BFD8 | |
Tomato | #FF6347 | |
Transparent | #FFFFFF | |
Turquoise | #40E0D0 | |
Violet | #EE82EE | |
Wheat | #F5DEB3 | |
White | #FFFFFF | |
WhiteSmoke | #F5F5F5 | |
Yellow | #FFFF00 | |
YellowGreen | #9ACD32 |
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