Monday, November 11, 2013

When is the right time to select a source code control tool?

If you’re about to start a new project it’s a good time to consider what version control solution you’re going to use.-- Article discussing TFS vs Git
I read the above statement in an article recently and my brain threw an exception when it parsed it. You know how that works. You're scanning along the text and all of a sudden, half a paragraph later, an interrupt is raised "Wait, did I really just read that?" You stop and go back over it.

There are plenty of articles covering how to choose a source code control tool. Many places compare and contrast all the options,[1] both open and close sourced. You can find articles that discuss the pros and cons of distributed VCSs vs centralized ones. However, I don't recall ever seeing one about when to choose one. The following is my opinion on this seemingly under-discussed topic.

The quote above is one of many similar statements I've seen over the years. It wouldn't surprise me if many project startup policies include choice of VCS as one of their bullet points. So, I'm not picking on this particular article, it just presents some common wisdom that I don't consider all that wise and I'm using it as a jumping off point to open the discussion.

First some context. Most of my career has been in developing shrink wrap software. The projects I work on are small parts of larger products that in turn are one of many that make up a company's product line.

The VCS contains vital enterprise assets. It should contain everything needed to build the current products for a company: the source code, build scripts, installer scripts, developer environment configuration scripts. It should also contain all the supporting documentation for users, both external and internal. Because it maintains versions of all these files, it also contains metadata about all them. It tracks who changed what, when and, if good change set notes are used, why. It may also be linked to an issue tracker, putting those changes in a larger context than just the source code. There may be a CRM system that gets linked to it. It is one piece of a larger whole.

For a development group to start a new project and consider what VCS they're going to use is like the accounting department opening a new checking account and considering what accounting package they're going to track the transactions in. The accounting department will have an existing system in place that tracks more than simple checking registry entries. They would not change this just for a single account. In the same way, the development group should have existing systems in place to handle not just VCS but all the support systems that surround a project. They should keep all the projects in the same ecosystem.

Keeping everything in one place does a number of things. It decreases startup time; there's one less decision to make. It reduces training; developer's don't need to become proficient in yet another tool. It eliminates confusion about "where do I go to get X?" It enhances cohesion among projects; it's easier to share code that may be common. It reduces maintenance costs; there's one less server that needs to be provisioned, integrated, maintained, backed up, and so on.

In my opinion, choice of VCS is something that should be done long before any particular project starts and should not be within the purview of any single project. So, when I read something that says a new project is a good time to choose a version control system, by initial, totally biased reaction is to scream "NO!"[2]

1. And in fact that was the focus of the above article.
2. And the same could be said, to varying degrees, of any software project support tool, be it VCS as discussed here or issue tracking or process control or documentation tools or build tools or UI widget libraries or IDEs or -- the list can go on and on.

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